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Managing Organizers

Learn all about organizer roles and how you can assign responsibilities to different organizers.

Understanding Organizer Roles

Organizers are the backbone of any successful event, handling everything from planning to execution. Within the b2match platform, organizers are assigned different roles, each with varying levels of responsibility and authority. Understanding these r

Inviting Organizers

Organizing a large event can be overwhelming, especially when it involves numerous sessions, participants, sponsors, and other logistical details. To lighten the load, you can invite team members to assist you in managing the event effectively. Here’

Assigning Responsibilities

When you bring new organizers and team members on board to help with your event, you can fine-tune their roles by assigning specific responsibilities. This allows you to designate organizers to manage particular groups of participants, ensuring that

Setting Up Support Offices

A key element in hosting a successful event is ensuring that participants receive timely assistance and support throughout the event. Providing this level of service enhances the participant experience and helps resolve any issues or questions that m