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Configuring & Editing Micro Event FormatUpdated 9 months ago

When you're setting up a micro event, choosing a format is an essential step that you can't skip. The good news is that you can always edit and configure it later, even after the event has been created. 

What are Micro Event Formats?

Your micro event can be configured as an internal/integrated event, or as an external event.

Internal events are micro events that are organized within the b2match platform.

External events are events that use an external page for the event. 

How can I configure the Micro Event Format?

To configure the event format, start by clicking on Program located on the left sidebar

Next, locate the event you wish to configure and click on it to open the Event info modal. From there, navigate to the Format tab

Within the Format tab, select the desired event format. Depending on the chosen format, additional configuration options will be available to customize the event format further.

Internal Micro Events

If your micro event will be hosted on the b2match platform, from the Format drop-down menu, select Internal/Integrated

In the Agenda section, you can build the micro events agenda, by simply searching among sessions and clicking on them. 

To delete a session from the Agenda, simply click on the bin icon next to it. 

Note: If you are not sure how to create a session, read our article Creating sessions.

In the Organized by section, you can promote organizations that are hosting the micro event. 

Simply search among organizations and find the one hosting your micro event.

Note: Keep in mind that only one organization can host a micro event.

External Micro Events

If you are organizing an external event, from the Format drop-down menu, select External

This will open the Event URL field. Here, provide a link to the page where your community members can register for the event.

After you are done, click on the Save button

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.

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