Creating Custom QuestionsUpdated a year ago
During the event registration process, in addition to choosing their participant type, your participants must also set up their profile. As part of the profile set up when registering for the event, they will be asked to answer your custom questions. These custom questions can assist you, the event organizer, to filter your participants list and gather important information to make your event a success.
How can I create custom questions?
First, click on Configuration on the left sidebar of the Organizer's Tool.
Then, from the Participant section, access Custom Questions.
This will open the Custom Questions page.
From the drop-down at the top of the page, first select the question type.
Then, click on the Add Question button.
This will open the New Question modal.
In the New Question modal, type in your question in the Title field.
In the Help Text field, you can write instructions to help your participants understand your question better. This text will be displayed under the question.
If you are creating a single choice (radio buttons and select field) or multiple-choice question, you will see the Add Option button.
Click on the Add Option button to create answer options that your participants will be able to choose from.
If you need to delete an option, simply click on the Remove button next to it.
If you are creating a single line question, your participants will have to provide an answer within a maximum of 255 characters.
If you are creating a multiline text question, your participants will have to provide an answer within maximum of 5000 characters.
If you are creating a file upload question, your participants will be able to upload a file during their registration by clicking on the Add file button on the event website. Supported formats are all Microsoft Office formats, jpeg, png and pdf.
In the Question intended for section, you can specify who can answer your question. You can choose between all participants, specific types and only organizers.
When selecting Specific types, choose the participant type who can answer the question.
Choosing the Only organizers option means only event organizers can answer the question on behalf of participants. Organizers can answer on participants' behalf through the participant's profile overview. This is particularly useful for gathering information that helps organizers effectively manage the event. These questions and their answers won't be accessible to participants.
In the Answers Visibility section, you can configure the visibility of the participant's answer. Here you have three options.
- If you select Hidden, the participants will not be able to see each other's answers.
- If you select Restricted, only registered and validated participants will be able to view each other's answers.
- If you choose Visible, registered participants and even unregistered website visitors can view answers, if the participant list is public.
In the Configuration section, you will see two check boxes.
If you wish to make your question mandatory, tick the Required box.
To create a filter based on the answers in the participant list, tick the Searchable box. This allows website visitors and other participants to filter participants based on their answers.
If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.