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Deleting Meeting LocationsUpdated 2 years ago

An accurate meeting location is crucial for participants to easily navigate and find their meetings. However, after you created a meeting location, maybe there was a change of plans, and you need to delete a meeting location. 

Read on to learn how to effectively remove a meeting location from your event.

How can I delete a meeting location?

Navigate to Networking from the left sidebar of the Organizer's Tool and click on Configuration

Next, access the Meeting Locations tab.

Locate the meeting location you want to delete and click on the 3 dots next to it. 

From the drop-down menu, select Delete location

This will open the Delete meeting location modal.

Tick the box to ensure you don't delete the location by accident. 

Next, click on Yes, delete.

Note: Keep in mind that deleting a meeting location is an irreversible action and cannot be recovered.

When a meeting location that has been assigned to a meeting block is deleted, the meeting block will no longer have a designated location, unless a new one is assigned, and participants will not be able to schedule new meetings within this block.

If you need to delete a meeting location that already has scheduled meetings, it's important to consider the potential consequences. Deleting the location will also remove any associated meeting points, leaving those scheduled meetings without a designated location.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.

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