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Marking Participants As SpeakersUpdated 2 years ago

Whether you're organizing a matchmaking event, conference, or an investor-startup summit, securing renowned speakers and industry experts can significantly enhance the appeal of your event. 

In this article, we will explore the process of marking participants as speakers on the b2match platform. By following these simple steps, you can easily designate individuals as speakers, providing them with additional visibility and enabling them to contribute their expertise to your event. 

How can I mark a participant as a speaker?

First, access the Organizer's Tool and locate Participants on the left sidebar.

From the participant list, locate the individual whom you wish to designate as a speaker. Click on the participant's name to open the Participant's Profile sidebar.

Within the Profile tab, scroll down until you reach the Speaker Settings section.

Click on the Edit button within the Speaker Settings section, and select Yes to mark the participant as a speaker.

This will open additional fields. Fill in the relevant information, such as the speaker's web page, session assignment, and speaker presentation upload. Learn more about Speaker Settings in our article understanding b2match speakers

Once you have entered all the necessary data, click on the Save button.  

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.

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