Publishing EventsUpdated 4 months ago
Before your participants can start registering for an event, your event needs to be in the Published status. However, there are several other statuses your event can be in.
This article will explore different event statuses on the b2match platform and explain them.
What kind of event status are there?
When you first create an event in the b2match system, it is in Demo status by default.
You can at anytime check the status of your event in the header of the Organizer’s tool.
When an event is in Demo status, it means that it is in demonstration mode as you are a potential customer. If you have been in contact with our Sales team and your event is not in the Draft status yet, please contact the b2match Support Team to make the required change.
When an event is in Draft (unpublished) status, it is only visible to the invited organizers, and it is not searchable on the Internet. Participants don’t have access to the platform, so registration is not possible.
When in Draft mode, the event website will be visible only to the organizers by clicking on Go to the Event Website.
When the event is published, it is accessible to the public and searchable on the internet. In Published status, you can start promoting your event, and participants will be able to register if the registration phase is open.
To ensure safety, we automatically archive your event 2 years after it has finished. This will make the event website offline and inaccessible to everyone, including the event owner.
How can I publish my event?
The event owner can change the event’s status from Draft to Published and vice versa.
To do this, simply click on the Draft label in the header at the top of the Organizer’s tool, and from the drop-down menu, select Publish website.
The event owner can switch the event status from Draft to Published at any time without affecting other settings.
If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.