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Setting Email ConfigurationUpdated 9 months ago

After you have composed an email and sent it to your participants, you may want to gain insight into how many participants have opened the email and clicked on the links you provided. This will help you in your reporting and analysis of the email.

How can I set up email configuration?

First, click on Communications on the left sidebar of the Organizer’s Tool.

Then, navigate to the Configuration tab.

In the Tracking section, you can enable tracking email opens and link clicks. This will assist you in measuring participant engagement with your emails. 

To enable tracking options, simply click on the toggle switch next to the tracking option you wish to activate.

You can review these metrics by navigating to the Outbox tab. Next to the email you sent, you will find these metrics.

In the Notification replies section of the Configuration tab, you can set up a support email address to which participants’ replies to event emails will be forwarded. 

If participants don’t have a dedicated support organizer, this email will also be displayed on participants’ event dashboard.

To set up a support email, first click on the toggle switch to enable this option.

Next, in the Support email address field, type in the email address to which your participants’ replies will be forwarded.

After you are done, click on the Save email address button

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.

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