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Providing Event FeedbackUpdated 2 years ago

Organizing and planning an event requires a lot of work, so it's only natural that event organizers want to know how well they did. 

Event feedback is essential in helping organizers determine if their efforts paid off and gain valuable insights into what worked well and what didn't in their events. 

This is why it's advisable to take the event feedback survey. 

What kind of feedback can I provide?

You can provide feedback on specific meetings or the entire event. 

Event feedback

This type of feedback refers to the overall event and event organization. In this article you will learn more about this type of feedback. 

Meeting rating

This type of feedback refers to specific meeting sessions you had with other participants. 

You can read more about meeting rating in the Rating meetings article.

Tip: In the Feedback modal, you can provide event feedback and meeting ratings in one place!

How can I leave event feedback?

First, navigate to the Dashboard from the avatar drop-down menu on the event page navigation. 

Once feedback is made available by the event organizer, the Leave Feedback widget will appear on the dashboard. 

On the Leave Feedback widget, click on Take the survey to open the Feedback modal where you can provide feedback on the whole event, before the end of the event or after the event has finished. 

Note that you can always edit your event feedback by clicking on the Edit survey button. This button will appear in place of the Take the survey button on your dashboard.

Keep in mind that the event organizers create the content of the event survey themselves, and is usually different for every event. 

Questions on the event survey are mostly grouped by topic. 

There are various types of questions and answers possible. For example, there are:

  • single choice questions
  • multiple choice questions
  • open text questions (single line and multiple line)
  • yes/no questions
  • file upload, etc. 

Keep in mind that some event organizers don't ask you to fill out the event survey, but that is rarely the case.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.

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