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Configuring Session Registration RulesUpdated a year ago

When organizing an event, one of the most crucial aspects is creating an agenda with interesting sessions. These sessions are what capture participants' interest and motivate them to register for your event initially.

However, you can take certain sessions a step further in exclusivity by setting up session registration rules.

What are session registration rules?

The session registration rules determine which participant types can sign up for sessions listed on your agenda. To configure these rules, you'll need to first create participant types and create sessions.

How can I configure session registration rules?

Start by clicking Configuration on the left sidebar of the Organizer's Tool.

Then, from the Participant section, access Registration Settings.

On the Registration Settings page, scroll down until you reach Session Registration Rules section.

The sessions are presented in rows, displaying the exact time and date of the session.

The columns display the participant type names.

To enable a participant type to register for a specific session, just tick the box in that participant type's column for that session.

To give every participant type access to all sessions, simply click the Select all button.

Once you've configured the registration rules as desired, save your changes by clicking Save in the bottom right corner.

You can also configure registration rules for individual sessions by editing their settings on the Agenda page. You can find more details about this in our article on editing session settings.

If you didn't find an answer to your questions, please get in touch with the Support Team here.

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