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Advanced Search

Take the next step in enhancing your event management abilities by using advanced search for effective information management on the b2match platform.

Filtering Profile Lists

Filters play a vital role in tailoring your participant and organization lists to display only the information that interests you, offering an efficient way to quickly find relevant details. When organizing an event, managing a substantial number of

Editing List Columns

Participant and organization lists present information about participants and organizations. This data is organized into separate columns which are predefined automatically by the system. However, users have a variety of additional options to choose

Creating & Saving Filters

Navigating through a long participant and organization list can be overwhelming, particularly when dealing with thousands of attendees at an event. No need to panic! Optimize your time by using filters, which serve as invaluable tools to precisely se

Setting Up Predefined Filters

Once you've created filters, you can use them in the Organizer's Tool for both the participant's list and organization's list. However, it's essential to remember that filters applied to the participant's list cannot be used for filtering organizatio