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Event Components

Discover the event components and master their configuration to effectively showcase vital information on your event website.

Understanding Event Components

The event website plays a vital role in organizing an event as it serves as the central platform for participants to register, access information, and engage with each other. Because of this, it is essential to configure the website correctly, ensuri

Adding Event Components

Event components play a crucial role in enhancing your event website's navigation, allowing visitors to easily explore valuable information you want to share about your event. With the help of these components, visitors can effortlessly move between

Exploring & Configuring Components

Once you've added event components to the navigation bar on your event website, it's important to properly configure them. There is a variety of event components you can add to the navigation bar. The Website component redirects users to the event's

Deleting Event Components

After successfully adding and configuring event components to the navigation bar of your event’s website, there may be times when you need to remove some components. In this article, we will walk you through the quick process of deleting event compon